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All Genesis album cover fonts are FREE, some of them you can download directly, others you have to order them for free by e-mail. No one can ever charge you or ask for money in any way for the Genesis Album cover fonts. Making the Genesis Album Cover fonts is a lot of work. And I am not just quite sure that I should give away all our work for nothing. So if the font you want is not available for download, order it. We will personally e-mail you the font. • Here's a tip:
When you want to get an exact copy of the Genesis logo with any of the Genesis album cover fonts just type:
That's because usually the second 'E' and 'S' are usually diferent from the first ones.
When ordering for free, you must email me the reason or purpose why you should have the True Type® font, or a least a comment about The Genesis JUKEBOX© (but not just 3 words). I'm not asking for money (...lucky you). But only for a little bit of your precious time.

  :: nursery cryme :: 
Nursery Cryme font. ORDER FOR FREE

  :: the lamb lies down on broadway ::
The Lamb Lies Down fonts (thin, regular, and heavy weight). ORDER FOR FREE

  :: duke ::
Duke Genesis font. DOWNLOAD NOW!
Duchess font. DOWNLOAD NOW!
Koechlin font. DOWNLOAD NOW!
Adlib font. DOWNLOAD NOW!

  :: genesis ::
MicrogrammaD font. DOWNLOAD NOW!

  :: calling all stations ::
Calling All Sations font. DOWNLOAD NOW!
Tribute to Genesis. All Genesis songs and lyrics (in midi format), here you listen to the music and sing along to the lyrics. Plus the Genesis fonts and desktops (icons and wallpapers). The Genesis Jukebox is a place to enjoy the marvelous music of Genesis. Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins, Mike Rutherford, Steve Hackett and Tony Banks had a dream, they made it true, they made a legacy with it. Their songs made a revolution in rock n'roll, they marked an era, and here you can sing-a-long to them. Here you will find all Genesis lyrics and almost all Genesis songs in midi format. Since the beginning Genesis showed much interest in the artwork of their albums. Here we deliver that artwork and make you able to put it wherever you want so you can make your own Genesis memorabilia. Delight yourself with the music and indulge your eyes with the artwork."Play me my song  Here it comes again  Play me my song  Here it comes again" this Musical Box...               ...is ready to roll. • Official Genesis Site • Virgin Records Genesis Site • World of Genesis • The Path - Genesis • Genesis - The Movement • Kim Poor - Genesis Lyrics • Jason Finegan's Genesis Page • The Musical Box tribute band • Regenesis tribute band • The Way We Walk tour DVD has been released in the US. :: peter gabriel :: The remastered album collection has been released and should be getting to the shelves by the end of April. more at PG site» The Rabbit proof fence soundtrack is being released on March 25 in Australia. more at PG site» :: tony banks :: Tony's new album is almost complete and he has asked the fans to give some feedback. more at Genesis site» :: steve hackett :: Outwiting Hitler soundtrack co-written by Steve should be coming up soon. At the momet he's been working on new rock material. more at World of Genesis» :: phil collins :: Phil's new album is almost complete and aiming to release it in november. Rumor has is that he's working on the soundtrack for the sequel to Tarzan. :: mike rutherford :: At the moment is doing some song writting though no album project has yet been confirmed. He has also been locating more genesis archive recordings for possible release..

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